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Maximizing The Meaning Of Christmas

Christmas Reflection

As we reflect on the meaning of Christmas we need to embrace the grace of God and to accept the love of God. Love came and visited us when Jesus came, an unconditional love, grace and favour was extended to men.

God's grace and love extends to the whole community

Jesus is a divine gift God has given us, Isaiah 9:6 says "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." When you know Jesus' love you enter into a place of rest regardless of what is happening or situations around you. We were dead in our trespasses, underserving but grace found us and brought us back to God through the gift of the son Jesus Christ . 1 John 4:9 God sent his son that we might live through him. We live through Him. He chose us, He knew us. We are, because God loved us

God's glory bestowed on unlikely human beings

God also came in the fullness of His glory so we are carriers of the presence of God, the glory of God. Isaiah 6:3 says the world is filled with the Glory of God, we might not feel it but it is there, we are born of God hence we carry it and we should know that we carry His presence. Have boldness to face this life because you know the one that lives inside of you is greater. In John 16:33 Jesus said in this world you will have troubles but be of good cheer for I overcame the world. This world is full of troubles but because he lives in us you can keep on going.

Nothing is impossible with God

Luke 1:38 Mary said I am your maidservant let it be done according to your w ill. Like Mary may we say if it's the path the Lord wants me to take I surrender, use me as your vessel. As we go in 2023 the hope that we have is, He is with us.

The angel told Mary (Luke 1:37) that for with God nothing shall be impossible and in Genesis 18:14 the Lord asked "Is there anything too difficult for the Lord?" As we come to the end of 2022 and welcome the new year of 2023 may we remember that we have a great and mighty God. Shalom!

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