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KGF Prayer Conference 2019: Day 3

Every prayer that has ever been prayed against you shall not prevail. - Isaiah 8:10

You need to start praying for your tribe and the tribes of your nation. - As your pray, God will reveal to you what you need to pray for. - You will begin to see the tribes as God sees them.

Raising of Gate Keepers (Part II) 6. They are prophetic deilverers who declare, let my people go. - The Word of God is an offensive weapon. - You need to initiate war and have an upper hand over the enemy. - As you prophecy and decree, there will be a breakthrough.

Our offensive weapon is realised through your mouth. - When you speak, the Spirit of God will perform accordingly.

God always looks for people who will stand in the gap for others and those who worship Him in truth and in spirit. - Through these people, God will raise 5 fold ministries.

Psalm 125:4

7. Apostolic Evangelist that will declare the good news to the tribes Matthew 3:2; 4:17

8. They call a solemn assembly for repentance. - Learn to pray together with those who are in agreement with you.

When God says He is a Restorer, He surely is. - Joel 2:12-17

9. Apostolic pastors who will establish altar Churches in territories where our tribes come from. - Where God is genuinely worshipped.

Intercession that overcomes opposition - Luke 2:36-40

When a prophetic Word is released it needs to be incubated in prayer. - Anna and Simeon dedicated their lives to the prophetic Word of the Messiah being born.

1. It's a prevailing/persevering intercession. - Intercession that doesn't give up.

2. Build a personal prayer altar - A place of meeting with your God. - A prayer life is built step by step. - Be faithful in prayer, God will give you grace to grow in your prayer life. - Learn to pray alone at home.

Your number one enemy is your flesh. - You need to subdue your flesh to be submissive to God.

3. Intercession connected to the spirit of intercession that glows from the throne of God. - Christ is interceding on your behalf. - You pray according to what God says to you.

4. Intercession that has its roots and foundation in the Word of God. - It is rooted in the knowledge of God. - Those who know God will be strong and do mighty exploits.

2 Chronicles 4:9-10 Don't give up too soon.

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